"...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God...."- Eph. 5:2

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Etcetera II...

Celebration #1: The husband got me a new keyboard top to replace
my broken one. Check out the dinginess! Gross.......

"R.I.P ole' keyboard..."-- the husband

Celebration #2: New Year's Nian Gao: Sticky rice cake with
red bean (made by mom...but I learned how! Tutorial coming
soon hopefully!)

New Year's Dinner at Mom's: Dumplings, sticky rice, ribs, veggies
and fish! She cooked enough for 20 people but there were only 6
of us.

Mom was so proud of this dish: Sticky rice with chicken ... YUM!
This is why I LOVE being asian...

---Another reason why I love being asian....
Happy New Year's!

This is a poor angle shot but the wardrobe was in my way.
I simply added a vase of pussy willow branches from mom...
and it made my bedroom look more....complete.

O.O.T.D: Getting ready for R.E.D's Workshop:
Jay & I had the honor in speaking to our young
adults about dating! (photo taken by Nate)

I loved this idea! After the marriage workshop, we got to personalize
some coasters with our "thoughts" to our spouse. It's now sitting
on our nightstands....I love' em & I love him....hehehe....so cheesy.

This is the rocking chair that I used to nurse Nathan in, then
I took it to my classroom ...and now, it won't fit in my
classroom with 30 kids...so now it's back home. I love how it sits in the
corner next to books waiting to be read.... just gotta find the time...

Rocking chair photos taken by Nate (he's pretty good, don't you think?)

My latest favorite picture of my lil' love....