"...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God...."- Eph. 5:2

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Viva, Las Vegas!"

Ok, maybe it's not the typical way to begin a Vegas trip, but we started the first morning with a simple brunch at a local dim sum place. The food was.....eh.... a little underflavored (is that a word?) for my taste. Of course, we had to stop by to get some Lee's crack coffee....oh my gosh, I think we may have an addiction problem to their coffee. It literally jolts your eyes open! 
One of my favorite things from dim sum: sweet tofu soaked with a light ginger syrup. It taps into my childhood memories of being 5 yrs. old again.

The infamous coffee: I think we had more energy than our kid that day.  Parents, wanna outrun your kid(s)? Get Lee's coffee! 

 After a yummy brunch, we headed to the mall and shopped....window shopped mostly but got a few goodies as well. By late afternoon, we headed to new adventures....
Silverton Casino: a huge aquarium that mesmorized the boys

Nate's drink: Starbuck's vanilla steamer (hot milk with vanilla syrup and frothy whipped cream;
topped with caramel) 

My drink: Misto (half coffee & half skim)= perfect
Don't worry....it's decaf.... I was still "awake" from this morning's coffee from Lee's!

Even though he's 8, I'm glad he still has his "baby eyes".... 

Nate teaching us how to fold his intense paper airplanes. I still don't know how....

"The Headhunter" plane

Favorite Thai place: Lotus of Siam
Tom Yum Noodles: hot, sour, spicy goodness

Jay's dish: short ribs with penang sauce
Nate's favorite: Pad See Eiw

After dinner, we headed back to the hotel. Nate quickly got ready for bed and climbed in for a short movie.  Of course, he had great company with his Perry the Platypus (2 of 'em!) *sigh.....what a life!
 So that was DAY ONE. It doesn't sound like very much but it was full of good times as a family. It was nice to be able to reconnect with each other....relax....and enjoy. Every family should have moments like this. More to come.....

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