"...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God...."- Eph. 5:2

Sunday, January 16, 2011

[r e d e m p t i o n]: um, what is it really?

I'm still reading and studying the book of Ruth. I'm at the part where Boaz has just been surprised by a midnight visitor, Ruth. And after a really interesting yet odd conversation (maybe even an awkward one), they settle in for a very long wakeful night. The next morning before light, Ruth leaves Boaz knowing that he would be talking to a closer kin about whether or not he would marry her. If not, Boaz would take her as his wife. I can't imagine the excitement and fear that arose in Ruth as she made her way back to Naomi, her mother-in-law. (Ruth Ch. 3) It reminds me of the night when I discovered that the guy I was in love with in college ( now married to) actually reciprocated my feelings. I think I floated home that night. I'm sure Ruth floated home that morning.

What a hero Boaz is. He was Ruth's redeemer. Here she was a Moabite, who was pretty much shunned. She was a widow who had no family except Naomi. She owed nothing, and no one owned her. Powerless and maybe even hopeless. And then comes Boaz on a white horse....yes, shining armor and all.

What a hero Jesus is. He is my redeemer. Here I am, imperfect, flawed, hopeless and powerless. No destiny or even a dream. And then comes my Lord on a white horse...with more than a shining armor. He was ABLE and WILLING to redeem us. Can you imagine if He was ABLE but not WILLING? Our lives really would be over....stranded...hopeless. The thought of it makes me anxious and depressed. But oh, the thrill of knowing that I AM REDEEMED....saved, loved that much! He was not just ABLE to redeem us, but he was WILLING to swoop me up on that white horse and take me with Him. If that's not love, then what is?

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:1-2) Beautiful.

I won't be able to ever repay Him for what He has done for me anymore than Ruth can repay Boaz. So the question is what does His willingness to save me mean to me personally? It means I need to serve Him whole-heartedly...to love Him with reckless abandon,  no limits..... even if it means to do things illogically for Him.

What a relaxing weekend it has been. I spent yesterday with Joy and Judy talking about anything, everything. We ate a lovely brunch at Kimmie's cafe and then lounged around the house for the rest of the day. What a full day today was. Prayer meeting, prepping the refreshments and then worship service. I am drained but entirely full of His love and joy. Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr., I have another day to rest....

Some pictures from the weekend....

One of my students created word searches for me to do over the weekend. Isn't that cute? Look, even Olive is in the word bank! 

Coffee table: see that disco ball? It's responsible for the picture below.
See those dots everywhere? Picture doesn't do it justice, but the entire livingroom was filled with light holes from the reflected disco ball! 

Does he have enough Silly Bandz? 

Sunday's Outfit: yes, I finally purchased my first pair of TOMS! Glittery black ones...very comfy. (I asked Jay to take pictures of me...but out of the 4 pics, this was the only decent one...)

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog!! Romans 8:1-2 has lifted me out of the dark times in my life..that passage is truly powerful! Continue to post often, I'm following! :D
