"...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God...."- Eph. 5:2

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Staying In...

It's Wednesday! Almost the weekend! We finally got to stay in for the evening. We haven't done that in awhile with our family's busy schedule. So here's a glimpse of our evening:

Peanut butter cookies....
A new recipe involving my favorite cereal from childhood: Cap'n Crunch! 

"Mommy, I've always wanted to try the fork thingy on the cookies"
(Nate's look of concentration while imprinting the famous marks on peanut butter cookies.)
While the cookies baked, Nate read his recent favorite book to me, The Boxcar Children.

While the cookies baked, I prepared some needed supplies for Kairos!
*pictured: my recent DIY obsession= chalkboards!

Where I sat blogging tonight....

Even Olive stayed around to listen to Nate reading...


How were they? Gotta come visit and find out, I guess! *wink